One beautiful summer's day, a duck decided to go to the river for a picnic. She took a lot of food with her, and was really looking forward to eating it. She sit down on the river bank and spread the food out in front of her.
"You're not going to eat all that food yourself, are you?" said a small voice.
She look up and saw a frog sitting at the water's edge.
"Please give me some of it. I am very poor and hungry," pleaded the frog wiping a tear from his eye. She gave him a sandwich. To her surprise he did not eat it, but simply put it on the ground beside him.
"Won't you give me something else? After all, my need is greater than yours."
Bit by bit, the kind-hearted duck handed over most of her food: cakes and biscuits, apples and sweets. Soon, the frog had a huge pile of food next to him. With an effort he picked it all up, put it on his back, and started to swim away across the river. But the food was so heavy that he sank like a stone, and the duck never saw him again..
ini narrative text dari lks b.inggris yang dibahas di science3 tadi.
buat gue, ceritanya menarik banget karena kita dapat mengambil pesan moral yang mungkin terlihat amat sederhana, tetapi ternyata bisa membawa dampak hal yang luar biasa.
1. Don't be a greedy person
2. Don't be afraid to say "no"
dalam kasus diatas, -udah jelas- si kodok itu begitu tamak ingin memiliki semua makanan hingga membawa konsekuensi logis akan suatu akibat buruk dari tindakan buruknya tsb. hal yang tragis disini adalah, (di luar faktor ketamakannya), si kodok tewas tenggelam juga dikarenakan oleh kebaikan hati si bebek. keengganan atau ke-tidaktegaan si bebek untuk menolak permintaan kodok..
sebuah kata "tidak", meungkin saja dapat mengubah sesuatu menjadi baik.
sebuah kata "tidak", boleh jadi membawa kebenaran dan kebaikan.
sebuah kata "tidak", ternyata memiliki arti lebih dari yang kita bayangkan..
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